1-to-1 Sessions
"Seeds burst from the inside out in a self-destructive ritual of new life."
David Goggins
How do we approach individual meetings?
In order to be able to prepare meetings according to your needs, we will talk with you about your needs, what your ideas are, what you have problems with and what your goals are. Each session will build on the previous one and will develop over time as your body and movement capabilities develop.
The principles we will use are based on movement and dance directions, martial arts, somatic approaches, applied anatomy or neurology.
We will also provide you with homework and research material to support your process.
Rolfing® štrukturálna integráciaRolfing® štrukturálna integrácia nosí meno po jej zakladaťeľke, biochemičke Dr. Ida P. Rolf, je to forma holistického "bodyworku", kde sa reorganizuje spojivové tkanivo - fascia, s cieľom obnoviť prirodzené usporiadanie tela v gravitácii. Proces Rolfingu štandardne pozostáva zo serie 10 sedení, ktoré na seba nadväzujú. Počet sedení sa môže líšiť podľa potrieb klienta. Každé sedenie trvá 70-80 minút a venuje sa špecifickej telesnej štruktúre, témam a má svoje ciele. Pre viac informácii a objednávky navštívte
Pohybové stretnutieAby sme Vám mohli pripraviť stretnutia podľa Vašich potrieb, budeme sa s Vami rozprávať aké tie potreby sú, aké sú vaše predstavy, s čím máte problémy a aké sú vaše ciele. Každé stretnutie bude nadväzovať na to predchádzajúce a v čase sa budú rozvíjať tak ako sa bude rozvíjať Vaše telo a pohybové možnosti. Princípy, ktoré budeme používať vychádzajú z pohybových a tanečných smerov, z bojových umení, zo somatických prístupov, aplikovanej anatómie či z neurológie. 35 EUR/ 60min
Expresívny tanecNa tomto stretnutí sa zameriame na možnosti sebavyjadrenia v tanci pričom za tanec považujeme každý pohyb, gesto, postúru. Úplne extrahujeme od hodnotiaceho prvku zameraného na estetiku. Práve naopak, podporujeme spontánne a autentické vyjadrenie klienta. Metódy, ktoré využívame sú princípy súčasného tanca, labanovej analýzy pohybu, improvizácie a imaginácie. Improvizačné zadania Vám umožnia rozšíriť svoje pohybové možnosti, rozprúdiť kreativitu, fantáziu, obrazotvornosť a naučiť sa spontánne reagovať na rôzne podnety. (nie je potrebné mať predchádzajúce skúsenosti s pohybom/tancom) 35 EUR/60min
Autentický pohybAutentický pohyb je metóda, pri ktorej klient nadväzuje spojenie so sebou. Nejde o tanec v zmysle choreografie, naučených pohybov či spĺňania estetických kritérii. Klient sa učí počúvať svoje vlastné pohybové inšpirácie, impulzy, pohyby, ktoré mu ukazuje jeho telo a nasledovať ich. Prax prebieha so zatvorenými očami, bez hudby, v tichu. Tak aby sa eliminovali rušivé vplyvy okolia a mohol sa vnoriť do seba, svojich pocitov, prežívania a prijať ho. V procese sú prítomné dve role - mover (ten, ktorý sa hýbe) a witness (svedok). Počas autentického pohybu sa učíme ako byť nehodnotiacim svedkom svojho vlastného procesu, ako sa prepojiť so svojou podstatou a ako vytvárať láskavý a akceptujúci vzťah sami so sebou. (nie je potrebné mať predchádzajúce skúsenosti s pohybom/tancom) 40 EUR/60min
Kontaktná improvizácia pre páryVo vzťahu je podstatná komunikácia. Spôsob akým komunikujeme, ako sa vzťahujeme sami k sebe, k partnerovi, k deťom ale aj k okoliu. Kontaktná improvizácia je tanec bez choreografie, ktorý vzniká v prítomnom okamihu. Práve teraz. Na stretnutiach sa budeme venovať témam ako počúvanie, zdieľanie váhy, vedenie, zodpovednosť, budeme riešiť dotyk a jeho kvality v spoločnom tanci ale aj miesto kontaktu a kvalitu spojenia, ktoré v spoločnom tanci máme. Pozrieme sa aj na to ako spracovať konfliktné situácie, ako komunikovať svoje potreby a ako si poznatky zo sedenia preniesť do bežného života tak aby mohli slúžiť k rozvoju vzťahu. Byť vo vzťahu je tancom samo o sebe, niekedy je však tanec a pohyb najlepšia cesta ako sa naučiť komunikovať. Tam kde nestačia slová, začína telo v pohybe. (nie je potrebné mať predchádzajúce skúsenosti s pohybom/tancom) 55EUR/pár/90min
Embodiment coachingCoaching je sebarozvojová metóda, kde klient prostredníctvom kouča a kladenia otázok nachádza svoje vlastné riešenia na svoje problémy. V coachingu veríme, že klient má v sebe potenciál nachádzať riešenia na všetky svoje problémy a my ho na ceste hľadania podporujeme. Klient môže priniesť akúkoľvek tému, ktorú potrebuje vyriešiť, problém s ktorým si nevie rady. V Embodiment coachingu budeme však pracovať nie len verbálne ale aj neverbálne. Neverbalita je súčasťou nášho prežívania, nesie skryté odkazy, ktoré môžu klientovi pomôcť pochopiť a vyriešiť svoj problém. Je to prístup kde Vás budeme sprevádzať v procese prepájania tela, mysle a duše tak aby ste nachádzali svoju vlastnú silu a mohli uskutočniť zmenu, po ktorej túžite. Koučovanie prebieha podľa štandardov ICF (International Coaching Federation) 40EUR/ 50 min
Tanečno-pohybová terapiaV tanečno-pohybovej terapii sa pohyb a tanec využíva psychoterapeutickým spôsobom, ktorý umožňuje sociálnu, psychickú, telesnú a emocionálnu integráciu klienta. V procese sa pracuje s telom, gestom, pohybom či tancom tak aby klient mohol porozumieť svojmu vnútornému prežívaniu. Odkrýva svoje telesné príbehy, učí sa s nimi (spolu)pracovať, prijímať ich, získava z nich poznanie a ukotvuje svoju skúsenosť v tele. Prepisuje staré vzorce a hľadá nové, také, ktoré mu pomôžu na jeho ceste liečenia. Telo, myseľ a duša sú v jednote, preto ak pracujeme na úrovni tela, pracujeme aj ostatných úrovniach. Niekedy stratíme slová aby mohlo prehovoriť naše telo. Viac info na info@4artstherapy.com
Rolfing® structural integrationRolfing® structural integration is named after its founder, biochemist Dr. Ida P. Rolf. It is a form of holistic "bodywork", where the connective tissue, fascia, is reorganized in order to restore the natural arrangement of the body in gravity. The Rolfing process normally consists of a series of 10 sessions that build on each other. The number of sessions may vary according to the client's needs. Each session lasts 70 to 80 minutes and focuses on a specific body structure, topics, and goals. For more information and appointments, please visithttps://en.marcoklokner.com/rolfing.
Expressive danceIn this encounter, we will focus on the possibilities of self-expression in dance, while every movement, gesture, posture is considered a dance. We completely refrain from the evaluation element focused on aesthetics. On the contrary, we support the spontaneous and authentic expression of the client. The methods used are the principles of contemporary dance, laban movement analysis, improvisation, and imagination. Improvisation assignments will allow you to expand your movement options, stimulate creativity, fantasy, and imagination, and learn to respond spontaneously to various stimuli. (No previous movement experience required.) €35 / 60 min
Authentic movementAuthentic movement is a method in which the client establishes a connection with themselves. It is not a dance in the sense of choreography, learned movements or meeting aesthetic criteria. The client learns to listen to their own movement inspirations, impulses, and movements that their body craves and follow them. The practice takes place with the eyes closed, without music, in silence, so as to eliminate disturbing influences of the environment in order for the client to be able to immerse into themselves, their feelings, and experience and accept them. There are two roles in the process—the mover (the one who is moving) and the witness (the one who is witnessing the process). During authentic movement, we learn how to be a non-evaluative witness to our own process, how to connect with our essence and how to create a loving and accepting relationship with ourselves. (No previous movement experience required.) €40 / 60 min
Contact improvisation for couplesCommunication is essential in a relationship. The way we communicate, how we relate to ourselves, to our partner, to children, and to our surroundings. Contact improvisation is a dance without choreography, which is created in the present moment. Right now. At encounters, we will deal with topics such as listening, weight sharing, leadership, responsibility, we will address the touch and its qualities in the joint dance, as well as the place of contact and the quality of the connection that we have in the joint dance. We will also look at how to handle conflict situations, how to communicate our needs and how to transfer the knowledge from the session into everyday life so that it can serve to develop relationships. Being in a relationship is a dance in itself, yet sometimes dancing and movement is the best way to learn to communicate. Where words are not enough, the body begins to move. (No previous movement experience required.) €55 / couple / 90 min
Embodiment coachingCoaching is a self-development method where the client finds their own solutions to their problems through the coach and asking questions. In coaching, we believe that the client has the potential to find solutions to all their problems and we support them on the path of searching for the solutions. The client can bring any topic they need to solve, any problem they struggle to handle. In embodiment coaching though, we will work both verbally and non-verbally. Non-verbality is part of our experience, it carries hidden clues that may help the client understand and solve their problem. It is an approach where we will accompany you in the process of connecting the body, mind, and soul so that you can find your own power and make the change you desire. Coaching is performed in line with the ICF (International Coaching Federation) guidelines. €40 / 50 min
Dance-movement therapyIn dance-movement therapy, movement and dance are used in a psychotherapeutic way that allows for the social, mental, physical, and emotional integration of the client. The process works with the body, gesture, movement or dance so that the client can gain an understanding of their inner experience. The client reveals their embodied stories, learns to (co-)operate with them, accept them, gains knowledge from them and anchors their experience in the body. They rewrite old patterns and look for new ones that will help them on their healing journey. Body, mind, and soul are interconnected, so when we work at the level of the body, we also work at other levels. Sometimes we lose words so that our bodies can speak. More info at https://www.4artstherapy.com/individu%C3%A1lne-terapie
Movement sessionIn order to be able to prepare meetings according to your needs, we will talk with you about what those needs are, what your ideas are, what you have problems with and what your goals are. Each session will build on the previous one and will develop over time as your body and movement capabilities develop. The principles we will use are based on movement and dance directions, martial arts, somatic approaches, applied anatomy or neurology. 35 EUR/ 60 min

Magdalena Takačová
"Give me your hand, man, I want to feel your warmth, and now tell me if you want heaven or hell."
Andrej Plavka
Years of experience with individual and group meetings have shown me how smart our bodies are and how much we can learn about ourselves when we start to perceive, listen and read them. I perceive the body, mind and soul as one, and that's how I approach my clients - as multi-layered beings. I know that I am not only working with their physicality, but that I am also touching their other layers through it. Just like they mine. We are not islands unto ourselves. We influence each other (as everything in our body is influenced ) and when we allow ourselves, we can see each other in ourselves. And I see my clients. I perceive their needs, we talk about them, we find ways and discover together. I respect the client and his process as well as my intuition, which has a place in my interventions. Rather than a teacher, I see myself as a guide on the way to knowledge through my own body and movement.
I'll give you my hand, but you have to walk by yourself.
Marco Klokner
"Strength that has effort in it is not what you need; you need the strength that is the result of ease." IDA P. ROLF
I consider it important to ask the fundamental question WHAT, what is what I do, what I feel, etc., but I find the question HOW much more interesting. How I talk about myself, how I perceive myself in a space, how I raise my hand and so on. At my individual sessions, I emphasize quality, the way I perform my actions, the style and thus HOW I do WHAT. All this aids a more sophisticated energy management of body, mind, and spirit. Any change requires energy in the first place, so we will work on the above and look for truthfulness, lightness, and elegance.
As a Rolfer, I have a lot of experience in analysing the body structure and movement of my clients and I will use this skill to help you understand your movement patterns and find more economical and effective ways HOW to move, which can then be transferred into the quality of your life. My toolbox also includes auto-massage, mobilization, strength, neurological and other somatic techniques.